Aesthetics and Spa | Nuugi

Bathroom and aesthetic services

Bath with massage

Brushing with bath and relaxing massage. We use our exclusive shampoos with natural, ecological and biodegradable ingredients.

Fast dry

Thorough drying and care with a special towel for your Excellencies.

Aesthetic arrangement according to the breed

We perform aesthetics with a haircut according to the breed, the client's taste or the specific need.

Ornament and perfume

To our Excellencies, after enjoying your relaxing bath, we perfume you and make you flirty.

Nail cutting

Made with great care and the appropriate instruments.

Ear cleaning

Made by our professionals with total asepsis and delicacy.

Tooth brushing

We carefully brush your teeth with your personal toothpaste and toothbrush.

In each service it is reviewed that:

Eyes shine

Ears clean and odorless

Teeth are clean

Moist and crack-free nose

Soft skin and shiny hair 

Nails without cracks and hydrated joints


Our experienced stylists will cut your Excellency’s hair with delicate hand scissors, according to the standard of your breed, your instructions or the specific need.


Your Excellency will be pampered with only the best products to thoroughly clean your coat and skin type. Our commitment to nature has led us to jointly develop relaxing and biodegradable shampoos with specialized laboratories.


Trust us to Your Excellency to take you to the resort hotel, daycare, beauty salon or training. We bring their food to your home.