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Eight dangerous food for a cat

One issue that should know all owners of domestic cats, is how to properly feed their cat to keep it in perfect condition for as long as possible. Because selective status, the cat, is very difficult to consume its own initiative hazardous foods. In fact, it has been observed that many cats are somewhat reluctant

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Which cares must be taken when you expose your pet to the sun?

As in humans, solar radiation and ultraviolet rays also affects dogs and cats, especially those of white mantle, albinos, and partially depigmented in different parts of the body, mainly in feet, nose, ears and trunk . We will describe the most common disorders that can identify and you could go with your doctor to advise

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Leon Veterinary Congress

The León Veterinary Congress (CVDL), known to be one of the largest and most important in the world, will celebrate its 18th edition from 4 to September 7, 2013 at Poliforum Leon, Guanajuanto. This exposure, mainly aimed at veterinarians specialized in small animals, is recommended for all animal medicine experts who want to enrich their

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Nuugi Horoscope!

Miaow! I am the cat Macario, feline mystical lord and master of the riddle. From my crystal ball I see the future of Dogs, cats and other pets. So I use my huge gifts of clairvoyance to form a better future for both owners and their faithful friends. Come to my section and Read their

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7 myths about your pet

There are many myths about pets. Some have some truth and other are inventions of people. It is important to know which are real and which are beliefs, just because some may even endanger life your best friend. 1. If you carry a dog’s neck skin and it weeps is Creole, if not, is fine.

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You look Woof! Fashion for you and your pet

You look Woof! is new section of our pet magazine Nuugi Petlifestyle  that will show you the fashion that’s gonna make you look amazing with your pet. There are many brands and designers who have dedicated an entire collection to complement your look in combination with your pet. They include Louis Vuitton, Gucci and Moschino.

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Top 5: Iconic dogs of pop culture

Nuugi Pet Lifestyle has prepared a top 5 with those we consider the most memorable dogs of pop culture. Considering media such as film, television and comics, these are the four legged friends                                                                that have been etched in our minds. Snowy, Tintin’s best friend: This little Fox Terrier accompanies its owner in all his adventures

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Toxic food for cats

Remember that cats are strict carnivores so the source of energy and caloric needs are of animal origin. Release and balanced diets are developed according to the requirements of each stage of development, and also get snacks or prizes for them. However, at home cats and dogs are very good at the “begging” for food

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Adequate food for cats

By being strict carnivores, the energy needs of cats have been modified to a very specialized diet, so they tend to be more demanding in terms of power which is influenced by eating habits in their first months of life. Adequate food: Food needs are regulated by the appropriate amount of food in the appropriate

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