La increíble historia del perro Mick

The incredible story of Mick

The story we tell today is one of those that reach the deepest of feelings. A story that it may be one of the most endearing memories canine to be counted and an example of that conviction to succeed is not peculiar to humans. His name is Mick, the Boston Terrier, and this is his story.

Mick is a cute puppy who was born with “swimming dog syndrome,” a disorder that prevents a dog can stand or sit due to the flat shape of his chest, which causes him can not hold his head high.

The conditions are present at birth but are only visible by the second or third week of puppy’s life, during which time they begin to walk.

Unfortunately most puppies that are borned with this complication usually euthanized because of misinformation and no application of therapy needed to keep them alive. However, Mia Foundation, responsible for helping animals with birth defects, decided to provide the necessary help to get through. Mick got the opportunity of a lifetime.

The therapy consisted of small swims sessions. At first Mick was afraid of water but showed his desire to overcame their fear. Daily exercise released the pressure on his chest and with the help of his friends got the motivation to continue to strengthen. Through a correct harness position stimulated limbs, and by a rubber legs were placed in position ideal that promoted muscle development

To everyone’s amazement, Mick started to strengthen after the working sessions and soon succeeded and remain seated. Thanks to this the puppy gained more confidence in their work so that in the least unexpected moment, Mick started to walk!

Here the video:

The incredible story of Mick

What do you think?

We invite you to share this touching story in order to encourage people to provide assistance to any canine friend to be found in this difficult situation. Together, dogs and humans, we can change the world Wow!

Mick el perro
Mick el perro


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