Los Perros Criollos sin Hogar

Mongrel dogs without home

“Looking for a warm home and responsible family. Reward: Lots of love. “- Mongrel.

What is Mongrel Dog? They are dogs that do not come from a pure breed and are the result of uncontrolled mixture thereof. Generally dogs are known  homeless and are often subjected to abandonment and rejection for not being purebred.

Mongrel dogs are homeless misunderstood, rejected and abandoned, suffering from hunger, diseases and is in constant danger of living in the street. Moreover, there are some who live locked in a shelter in hopes of one day be loved and have a home.

How are Mongrel dogs like?

These pups are full of love and affection that would give to the first person that will open the doors of their home and heart. They are usually very intelligent and easy to train no matter how old they are. Their main need is to find love in a humans and they will try to please their owner at all.

Contrary to their living conditions, these buddies have an enviable physical resistance due to the result of mixtures, are healthier and are more resistant to disease, plus they can live many more years.

Creole Dogs get the physical characteristics of different races, a situation that turns each of them into a single and unique race. It is clear that as a dog  there’s no two, but it is worth mentioning that a Mutt dog will simply be unique.

How to help a homeless dog?

Dog shelters are saturated with these friends. Find out about the shelter closest to your community and think about the most suitable option for you and your new partner to make the right decision when adopting.

Since your new friend is happy to live in your new home, it is time to sterilize. If you adopted your dog from a shelter most likely already be sterilized, but if I rescued from the street is recommended that you do. By doing this you eliminate the possibility of unwanted reproduction, preventing more abandoned dogs exist on the streets or shelters

When you open the doors of your home to a dog rejected you grant a home to a dog in need. There’s no most incredible feeling of knowing you’ve saved the life of a friend who is to blame for their origin.

Nuugi recommeds

We want to call the whole Nuugi community that is interested in adopting a dog to visit the different shelters in your own neigborhoods We also have dogs for adoption!

Maybe a homeless dog Creole will never become first place at dog shows, but always will be number one in our hearts. Dog lovers love to any individual dog regardless of their ancestry or origin.

Will be someone willing to receive in their home to a homeless Mutt?

Perro sin hogar
Perro sin hogar

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