Check Up Packages | Nuugi

Check Up Packages

The check up or medical evaluation aims to reduce or eliminate risks to health, promoting their welfare to find possible solutions to the results.
Our check ups are performed with non-invasive methods that are completely safe, made ​​by specialists in preventive medicine. We make no medical internships for trainees in any of our medical check ups.

Nuugi has the process of the Center Advanced Veterinary Diagnostics (CVDA) with exclusive areas for each of the studies and processes according to race, general characteristics, sex and age of our clients and aligned with  international protocols. The evaluations begin at 9am and the average takes around 4-5 hours. We provide a relaxing session in the spa after graduation. After 72 hours is given a file with the results, where identified problems are discussed with some recommendations. Also delivered a dossier of evidence backs radiology, ultrasound, laboratory and responsible MVZ comments check up.

Click here to check out our three package options we have for you and your pet:

basic-en plus-en elite-en

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